Past Members

Nauras Daraghmeh

Nauras holds a degree in Industrial Engineering & Management but has decided on a career switch. He is currently studying Biology as a bachelor student at the University of Bremen, focusing on tropical marine biology. His past travels have taken him around all inhabited continents, from small islets of Palau and Papua New Guinea to the jungles of the Congo and Guyana, where he has experienced a wide range of tourism facilities – some being more, some less sustainable. Nauras was supporting the work group and TransTourism during the early stage by helping with field work preparations, data evaluation, web design and everything else that had to be done in a newly set up work group. 


Jack has focused his research on water quality issues and gained a lot of experience in this field. He holds a B.Sc. degree in Aquaculture and Water Resources Management (First Class Honours) from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana where he also worked as a Research Assistant at the Department of Fisheries and Watershed Management. Jack has been awarded a German Academic Exchange Service Scholarship to pursue his master’s degree in International Studies in Aquatic Tropical Ecology at the University of Bremen, Germany. Therefore, Jack is currently a guest scientist at the Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research, Bremen where he is part of the working group Deliberation, Valuation & Sustainability. At the moment, he is based in Indonesia doing research on the impacts of wastewater on socio-ecological systems of Gili Trawangan for his thesis.


Sarah holds a B.Sc. degree in Agriculture and Aquaculture from Uganda Martyrs University and a Diploma in Fisheries Management and Technology from the Fisheries Training Institute Entebbe, Uganda. She has focused her research on water quality related issues and gained substantial experience in this field, working as field assistant with a USAID fish project, as assistant production manager of S.O.N. fish farm and as aquaculture consultant. Currently, Sarah works with the Ugandan Government as an aquaculture fisheries officer while at the same time pursuing her master’s degree in International Studies in Aquatic Tropical Ecology at the University of Bremen, Germany through a German Academic Exchange Service Scholarship. At the moment, Sarah is a guest scientist at the Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research and based in Zanzibar, Tanzania working on her thesis on the impacts of wastewater on socio-ecological systems.


Emma has her B.Sc. in Marine Biology from Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia and previous field experience working with the Chesapeake Bay Foundation in Annapolis, Maryland working with water quality and oyster restoration projects. Emma is currently enrolled in the International Studies in Aquatic Tropical Ecology program at the University of Bremen and is a guest scientist at the ZMT. She is part of the work group Deliberation, Valuation & Sustainability and is currently based in Gili Trawangan, Indonesia, where she is researching collective action among the community when addressing natural resource challenges. 


Alice completed her B.Sc. in Geography and international forestry in Freiburg, Germany, before turning her focus to the marine realm within the M.Sc. Ecology at University Bremen. She is interested in interdisciplinary science, coastal management, maritime studies, marine pollution and environmental impact assessment. Currently Alice supports the working group as a student worker (e.g. database maintenance, translations etc.) while also conducting a student research project on legislation and challenges of waste water management in San Andres y Providencia Santa Catalina, Colombia. The TransTourism project also framed her master thesis about the impact of waste water on marine water quality and benthic community structure in shallow reefs.